I Almost Forgot to Title This Post, That Would Have Been Embarrassing

24 02 2012

The great thing about shooting the natural world is it’s always unique. No two scenes are exactly alike. That being said, sometimes we try to approach different natural scenes the same way. We, as photographers, have to strive to find a new angle or a new way to portray whatever we’re shooting. The same thing can happen when a photographer’s client work becomes stale. Look through your photos, if you catch yourself shooting everyone the same way, maybe you’ll please the people who come to you for that one look, but it’s also important to offer a diverse portfolio.

When I looked at the scene above I thought, “that’s interesting.” I took a few snaps but wasn’t too pleased. The images looked bland so I wanted to try to change it up. Jessica watched in shock and confusion as a climbed across a ditch and started working my way inside this mess of twigs, branches and vines. Have I ever mentioned I have a bad habit of taking pictures of things that tend to poke me? 🙂

The two shots above are of the same twigs and branches, just viewed from within the thicket looking out. Remember to think of what someone or something else may see when they interpret a scene. Find the other side of your subjects perspective and explore ways to capture it that will leave whoever is looking at your pictures intrigued.

Thanks for stopping by! I always appreciate hearing from all of you in the comments below! Have a great weekend!