The Indigenous People of Nascar

23 05 2012

You probably didn’t peg me as a Nascar fan did you? Well, in all honesty, I’m not. That’s why you won’t be seeing any live action racing shots here today but rather the real live fans of the last great redneck frontier. These aren’t the sort of folks I’ve met at art exhibits, pageants, or the local Starbucks. This is a completely different breed from what most of you have ever met.

I feel it prudent to say two very important things. 1: I have utmost respect for the right of freedom of expression. Please do not take anything I say as derogatory towards this subset of southern culture. I assure you all comments are made in good fun, I am after all technically part of this culture myself. 🙂 2: To all my friends across the sea, I promise we aren’t all like this 🙂

If you are regular visitor here on Shootabout, you’ve probably realized this post is going to have a little more fun and a little less art than most of my content. I think it’s important to be careful not to take yourself so seriously that you can’t have a laugh every now and then. You can see the photographer above may have taken this a step or two too far.

More Beer Cans than brain cells

What’s more american than cheap beer cans hanging off of your nipples. There’s really nothing left to say here.



What is your college degree doing for you? Maybe it’s time to transfer to Clemson University? 🙂

Speaking of Clemson, here’s my dad trolling a Clemson fan with his USC hat (USC is Clemson’s arch rival.)

I promise my next post will be inspiring and evocative but every now and then you just have to let loose and have a good laugh. I hope you have enjoyed this break from the usual pace. I always look forward to reading all your comments. Catch me on my social network, Facebook and Twitter links are up there somewhere. Don’t forget to share or reblog if you enjoyed today’s post. I’m getting a bit of traffic from StumbledUpon so if you use it I would love for you to like this page. Have a great day and God Bless you.

Oh yeah, here’s a few for the road.

No way could I have posed a better shot

He’s had a very busy schedule today, time for a nap

If I had a dollar for every shirtless guy drinking a beer I saw, I could retire

Normally I cull the blurry shots but I couldn’t let this one go

Epic sombrero hat

Who wants free sake?


So where do you go from here? Try checking out Annabelle. She’s primarily an artist and her photo post from earlier today was going to be her only photography post ever, I guess I convinced her to give it another shot. Give that new post some love and tell her Arley said hello 🙂